checking accounts
KCCU offers a variety of checking accounts to help you make the most of your money. Our checking accounts are designed to help you save time and simplify your life. All of our checking accounts include free services to make managing your money easy.
kasasa checking accounts 
Choose from three accounts that offer big rewards! Kasasa Cash®, Kasasa Cash Back®, or Kasasa Tunes®.
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5.25% echecking
eChecking is our high dividend checking account – it’s easy, it’s electronic, and you can earn an exceptionally high rate of 5.25% APY* on balances up to $15,000! eChecking offers all of the benefits of Personal Checking.
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free personal checking account
Our Personal Checking account program provides a full range of services at no cost to members.
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how to open a checking account
Stop in at any of our branches or call a Member Service Representative at 269.968.9251.