If you have a Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back account, you can also open a free Kasasa Saver account. Free Kasasa Saver is savings simplified! When you earn cash rewards in your Kasasa checking, those earnings transfer in to Kasasa Saver.
1.75% APY* on balances up to $25,000**
Build savings automatically while earning a high rate of return
Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back earnings automatically transfer to Kasasa Saver
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. **1.75% APY on balances up to $25,000 and balances over $25,000 earn 1.00% APY on the portion of balance over $25,000, resulting in a range from 1.75% to 1.13% APY depending on the account’s balance. Kasasa Saver account must be linked to Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back account. For a Monthly Qualification Cycle on the linked account in which the qualifications are not met the Kasasa Saver APY will be 0.01%. See full details